Unfortunately, many people suffer from stress because of their job, resulting in career burnout. Suffering from burnout can mean different things to different people, across all levels of experience within the workplace.

It is crucial for you to look after yourself above all else. This is why we want to help you to recognize the signs of burnout, and act against them as soon as you can.

Here are seven signs of burnout, and advice on how to combat them.

1. Exhaustion

Work-related stress may cause you to suffer exhaustion due to insomnia. Some find they sleep well at home, but then feel their energy drain once they get into the office. Both are signs that you are suffering from burnout.

Continually pushing yourself to the limit at work when you’ve depleted your energy won’t help your health. Persistent tiredness can cause simple mistakes, lack of concentration, and mood swings. If you are suffering from insomnia or chronic exhaustion, get in touch with your doctor and let your superiors know you are struggling. If you need to, take some time off to catch up on sleep, and relax.

2. Difficulty Concentrating

Feeling disconnected from your work is a sign that you are stressed. Especially if your mind is attempting to process several thoughts at once, you’re likely unable to focus on the task at hand.

It can be difficult to boost your concentration levels at work and get back into your day-to-day. However, if you take regular breaks and get involved with a project that excites you, then you should begin to see your concentration and motivation levels increase.

3. Lack of Balance

Giving in to bad habits that you wouldn’t normally indulge in is a sign that you need to take a moment. Overindulging in food, drink, or even smoking, can mean that your mind is attempting to find respite in activities that allow you time to relax. However, after giving in to this for a while, it will eventually be detrimental to your mental and physical health.

If you swap the extra food for the gym, and the excess alcohol for a couple of social drinks with friends or family, you will find that you are happier at work and with yourself.

4. Avoiding Social Situations

Cutting yourself off from friends and family is a symptom of anxiety, stress, and even depression. This can make you feel even more isolated, sending you into a vicious cycle.

Keeping in contact with your friends and family is a way to feel relaxed and happy when you are feeling low about work. Speak openly with those closest to you, as they can help you to gain an alternative perspective on any issues that you are facing and encourage you to get additional help if necessary.

5. Feeling Inadequate

Feeling like you are inadequate in your position is a sign that you are suffering from burnout. Impostor syndrome is normal to a certain extent, but it can be extremely detrimental at a certain point. Once you have reached the point of feeling like you can’t do your job anymore, or that you are unsuitable for your role, it is difficult to boost your morale.

Speaking to your boss, friends, and family about your feelings can help you to dispel them.

6. Having a Short Fuse

If you are having uncharacteristic bursts of anger, privately crying at work, or having unnecessary arguments with your friends and family, then you could be suffering from burnout. Emotional outbursts are a sign that you need to take a break and prioritize your health above all else.

Taking a break from work, such as going on holiday, or using a day to relax at home can help to calm your nerves and get things into perspective. However, if this doesn’t help it is worth contacting a therapist or doctor to talk through your thoughts and feelings. And remember that there is no shame in getting this additional help, as more people need to do so than you may think.

7. Physical Illness

Stress can do serious damage to our bodies. It is important to look after your physical health above everything else. If you find that you have been off work due to illnesses such as the flu, headaches, colds, dizziness, and sickness then this could be because of burnout.

If you are feeling stressed at work and it is beginning to affect your health, be sure to take the time you need to recover. Visit your doctor to get a diagnosis and keep your superiors in the loop with regards to your health conditions.

If you are looking for a new work opportunity that allows you to better manage a positive work-life balance, get in touch with one of our specialist recruitment consultants today who can help you to find your perfect role.