Interviews: Pre and Post

Interviewers face a heavy burden of responsibility in trying 'to get things right the first time', and this is likely to be shown not only in how they design the interview but also how they approach prospective candidates such as yourself. While selection becomes more stringent, high caliber candidates will be able to negotiate more rewarding positions as the pool of scarce skills diminishes.
Greater care in processing your application and devising a more structured interview based on your past experience or future potential will be much more in evidence. This will be of distinct benefit to those who prepare fully and are not judged predominantly on first impressions and likeability.

Preparation Before The Interview

'Failure to prepare is to prepare to fail!'
Before you go to the interview, consider the kind of interaction which is likely to take place between you and the interviewer. For example:
  • are you persuading or negotiating?
  • are you discussing or imparting information?
  • are you receiving information or selling yourself?
Each type of interaction demands a different strategy on your part. Separate each of these and, for the purposes of your own self-presentation, plan how you would undertake each approach.
Always present yourself in a positive way, avoiding any phrases which indicate that you are not used to problem-solving or that show you are somewhat self-deprecating. For example, rather than saying 'the problem with that was ...', or `of course that was always a difficult task ...', talk instead about the challenge of devising solutions, the excitement of tackling a thorny issue and coming up with a creative plan of action. Passivity is of little value when trying to portray yourself as an effective problem solver and creative thinker.